Collection: Tap and Share Retail & Exhibition Solutions

Tap into the future of retail and exhibition management with Tap and Share's Smart NFC Cards, Tags and signs – the ideal solution for a sustainable and efficient approach.

Our Smart NFC Cards, Tags and Product Information signs simplify information sharing and offer a sustainable alternative to traditional print materials.
Here's why they're the perfect choice:

Sustainability at its Core:
Our NFC technology is at the heart of a green sustainability initiative. By utilizing our smart product information signs and smart link tags, exhibitors and retail store owners can significantly reduce or even eliminate the need for printing while having the information to provide unlimited additional information, which can be updated 24/7.
This eco-friendly approach not only benefits the environment but also brings substantial cost savings to exhibitors and store owners.

Real-time Data Insights:
In retail and exhibition settings, our platform provides exhibitors and store owners with live data on the number of people accessing information. This real-time feedback helps identify which products garner the most interest, allowing for quick, informed decisions. This means you can optimize your offerings or replace products for better results.
Say goodbye to traditional paper-based methods and embrace a more sustainable and data-driven approach to retail and exhibitions.
With Tap and Share's Smart NFC Cards, Tags & Signs, you'll save on printing costs, reduce waste, and enhance the customer experience. Join the movement towards a more sustainable and efficient future in retail and exhibitions. Explore our collection today and experience the difference!
Click below to learn more: